Friday, November 9, 2012

to all of you who are still fighting OR gloating about the election

i would like to say all of you who are still fighting OR gloating about the election AND those of you who are 'yelling at' those who are...
first  this has not been a 'sporting event' and not about whose 'team' won or lost and tho you THINK it is - it is NOT 'personal' for you...the President of this country DOES NOT work for YOU but for ALL OF US- not your own personal beliefs, religious convictions or values...and anyone wanting to shove those down everyone else's throat is not being patriotic but SELF ABSORBED..we can ALL still have our own beliefs...but some of those things are NOT what we need to worry about right now and many should not be issues ( ie:if you don't believe in abortion- DON'T HAVE ONE)  i, personally don't like my tax money being spent on dropping bombs on people- but, it is not up to me alone and i must accept that.. i can still NOT agree with it...we all have different values and to be a leader for all of us in not an easy job and in my opinion not really 'realistic' because i don't think we have ONE leader...the thing is..WE have to all be involved..we are at a very critical, scary time in this country and in the world.. but if we keep fighting with each other we lose an opportunity to help and the first best way we can do that is to stop fighting and face REALITY...NO ONE is going to 'fix' our problems...30 years of excesses and abuses within this system are not fixable in a few years...for some of us it might not even be seen in our ONE person- neither candidate or anyone else really 'knows' what to do about it..because in reality the entire system NEEDS to fail in order for it to has become like an addict that has hit bottom...those are the cold hard facts and WE are going to have to sacrifice in order for there EVER to be prosperity in this country again- if that is even possible...China is poised for becoming the economic leader and their currency the standard for oil...that is probably GOING to happen...and the American dollar IS probably going to default...and there is nothing to do about it...printing money with nothing backing it is a laughable concept- even I can understand that!!  we need to be ready ...we need to survive and  it is an opportunity for the people of this country to COME TOGETHER, help one another and figure out HOW to TAKE BACK CONTROL of this country TOGETHER.. we are going to NEED one another...the system needs to change but we have given up our power to make it change and have taken up BLAMING others...we have become lazy and expect others to take care of it for us...while we were busy working 3 jobs and taking the kids to soccer practice and watching football games and movies- OR distracting ourselves with possessions and occupying time with meaningless pursuits many of our rights and any power we had were taken from us...but WE LET IT HAPPEN because it was 'easy' to let others take over and we got sucked right into it and were lead down a very unrealistic path... to complacency and 'comfort'...while we were told to spend- spend-spend on what we cannot afford...but were the proponents of that REALLY dumb enough to think that would make us ALL prosperous? a question we all need to ask...i don't think so- i think they knew EXACTLY what it would do and figured we were all dumb enough to believe it...and WE WERE...we never even questioned it...we trusted and we never should have ... and now we are all pretty much screwed..most of us, anyway ...things are going to get rougher here and we need to stick together and figure out what to do about it...but mostly we need to UNITE...STOP HATING it does not FIX makes everything worse...we are all here together...if you constantly need to have your beliefs validated then perhaps you need to reevaluate them and make sure they are YOUR beliefs and not what someone ELSE has told you that you MUST believe...those who are firm in theirs do not need to push them on others...FEAR is the biggest enemy we have ..and that is the root of hatred... we all need to have some faith in others and ourselves and stop BLAMING other people for your problems...including the PRESIDENT because it is NOT his fault...and he is NOT your  'government' tho you may believe he is..not matter WHOM he is...he is NOT in control of everything...
 we don't need most of the things we THINK we do and we are going to learn the hard way what alot of those things are...some of us have already had some experience in that area..and we are going to learn what IS really important to our lives and we are going to learn some VERY hard lessons...the more we keep dividing ourselves and think we are separate from one another- the worse things will get...we cannot let that happen...
our whole system of government needs to change...maybe WE all have to figure out how to do that because the powers that be SURELY do not want it to..they are all PROFITING from it while we are sliding downhill and they will continue to when we are all trying to find food....that is what it is going to come down to..eventually
i have always been someone who believes in 'miracles' and i sure hope we get one and that everything we do have can be saved....but it is not likely ESPECIALLY  if we KEEP FIGHTING AND HATING...miracles come to people who have faith in 'something'- call it God- The Universe- Nature- whatever you want to call it... and in themselves....not to those who hate and fight and constantly spew negative energy...nothing GOOD ever comes of that....we need to be positive no matter what....

we ALL need to take some RESPONSIBILITY for ourselves and be kind-learn to accept things as they are- fighting them and being fill of anguish and vitriol just makes  YOU other people that you don't think you relate to..we can all learn from one another...fear is the true enemy...hate is never solves anything- VENGEANCE is never a good option...and feeling like you have to 'get over on others' is never an has been the ruination of this society ...stop "WANTING" so much 'stuff' and start wanting what you have- the people in your life- the love you have in your homes...if you are unhappy then figure out why and take responsibility for it and CHANGE is YOUR duty to make you happy - no one else's...if we can change our attitudes- and i include mySELF in that...we can change alot and we can survive anything but we are never going to do so if we are hating one another...things will get much uglier than we can imagine....'what' we have been doing is most certainly NOT it?
perhaps we should ACCEPT what is....and BE GRATEFUL for what we DO have in our lives because ONLY gratitude is going to keep us open to change for the better...
this is not my 'opinion' is knowledge from much greater sources than makes sense to me and it certainly cannot HURT anything...why don't we try it?
just a thought...

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